Therapeutic approach for Sacha Médiné, social justice informed Registered Clinical Counsellor.
Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.
— Audre Lorde

Supporting Your Work

I provide clinical supervision and consultation to individuals and teams involved in a range of work that has social justice principles at its core. This includes counsellors, social workers, support workers, land defenders, activists, and community organizers. I believe deeply that we cannot stay ethical in this kind of complex work if we are alone. If you are interested in ongoing clinical supervision or consultation for you or your team, I invite you to reach out to me.

British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors - Approved Clinical Supervisors

I am an Approved Clinical Supervisor with the BCACC (RCC-ACS) and a designated ‘supervisor of supervisors’ for folks who required supervisors hours as part of optainjng their own ACS designation.

My standard rate for individual supervision is $175+GST per session, or whatever you charge to your clients if you are in independent practice. Please contact me if you’d like to discuss rates for group or team supervision.